EFPC Webinar - The Austrian dementia strategy

  • Webinar
04. Oktober 2023 | 12:30 - 13:30 Uhr

"Living well with dementia" – achievements and future developments

Dieses Webinar wird vom EFPC veranstaltet und findet in englischer Sprache statt. Mitglieder der Plattform Primärversorgung können an dem Webinar kostenlos teilnehmen. Geben Sie dazu bei der Registrierung unter "EFPC Member?" - "Yes" an.

The Austrian dementia strategy "Living well with dementia" was developed in 2015 on behalf of the Ministry of Social Affairs in cooperation with all stakeholders as well as people with dementia, their families, and caregivers. With its 7 objectives and 21 recommendations, the strategy provides a common framework for targeted collaboration between the relevant representatives and decision-makers in the healthcare and social system. The webinar will give a brief overview on the Austrian Dementia Strategy, its objectives, and some examples of implemented actions and interventions. In addition, current topics such as post-diagnostic support, the elaboration of ethical and legal aspects for people with dementia and their families or the development of a dementia quality registry, which are coordinated by the Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (Austrian National Public Health Institute) will be presented - followed by a discussion and exchange of field experiences as well as the importance and role of primary.


Lisa Katharina Mayer, BA, MA and Ing. Martin Gessl, MSc, MSc from the Austrian National Public Health Institute (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH., GÖG), Department long-term care and healthcare professions.